Sunday, February 27, 2011


With out the liberation from drugs, and alcohol not only will the streets be unsafe ,but our homes too.  Some of the reasons for domestic violence at home are do to drugs and alcohol. Every time a person uses drugs, and alcohol their attitudes changes and their ability  to think straight. This would cause a person to unpredictable, and do something they’ll regret. Because of this families are torn apart, all because of the effects of drugs, and alcohol. Bars are always crowed during the night. Most of the customers are men who want a beer to settle their stress after a long day. It starts with one beer, then two, then three, then until they’re too drunk to drive. But since they’re drunk they can’t think start and make the right decision. So what do they do, they drive drunk. Chances are the person will get caught for drinking over the limit, or end up in a fatally car accident. People who use drugs usually buy drugs on the streets. Buying, and selling drugs is illegal  any where in the U.S. If you get caught by law enforcement, your going to jail. Period. However some people take their chances  and buy or sell drugs because of addiction.  This is why we have to liberate ourselves from the damages alcohol and drugs have caused. If we don’t the causes drugs and alcohol are causing fight now will get bigger and bigger. More domestic violence at homes, more fatally car crashes, and more arrest do to buying and selling drugs. I don’t know about you but this is not the type of world I want to live in. I want to live in the world where drugs, and alcohol, never take over.

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